Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama                       : Septian Bakda Tri Awandra
NPM / Kelas            : 16211688  / 1ea14



Does it really matter If I Become A Vegan?

As a prospective vegetarian, you probably question either eat meat or became vegetarian.
You might wonder how much of a difference one additional vegetarian can make.
And while it might be true that one vegan won't make huge statistical difference in a world of meat-eaters -- and while it is also true that one more vegetarian probably isn't going to turn the tide in the movement-- you can do a lot as an individual that will be good for you and good for 100s of animals animals.
Take, for example, the number one cause of death both in the united states and other countries with meat-centered diets: heart disease.
If it weren't specifically for meat, eggs, and dairy products--which are the 3 largest sources of cholesterol--heart attacks and other heart and circulatory problems would be far less prevalent. According to EarthSave, the average vegetarian has about 1/4 the chance of having a heart attack as the average nonvegetarian. As for individuals who are pure vegans, it gets even lower: they have less than 1/10 the chance of having a heart attack as nonvegetarians.
Not only your heart health, but you also get a lot of other health benefits as a vegetarian. For example, you wont be exposed to nearly as many preservatives, which are common in meat and are linked to cancer. You wont be exposed to various hormones (that are packed into animal feed), which often disrupt normal hormonal processes in the body. And you wont consume as much lactose, which most individuals cannot digest properly--and which some dietitians have suggested is a cause of digestive problems.
Over and above health benefits you will receive as an individual, you will also reduce your share of the suffering human beings inflict on animals.
According to veganoutreach.org, an average American consumes 2,714 land animals in their lifetime. So if you quit eating meat now, you could literally prevent the suffering and death of hundreds of animals of the course of a couple decades.
Over and above this, if you neither eating eggs nor drinking milk, you won’t reduce your share in the suffering and death of battery hens and their offspring, also as dairy cows and their offspring.
So the answer is yes: it does matter whether or not you become a vegan. It matters to the thousands of animals you could potentially save and it matters to you as an person because you can greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer and heart disease.

·        probably question either eat meat or became vegetarian
mungkin mempertanyakan baik makan daging atau menjadi vegetarian
·        the number one cause of death both in the united states and other countries
nomor satu penyebab kematian kedua di amerika serikat dan negara lainnya
·        Not only your heart health, but you also get a lot of other health benefits as a vegetarian.
Tidak hanya kesehatan jantung Anda, tetapi Anda juga mendapatkan banyak manfaat kesehatan lainnya sebagai seorang vegetarian.
·        if you neither eating eggs nor drinking milk
Anda tidak makan telur atau minum susu