Kamis, 03 November 2011

memories of senior high school

unforgettable experience of my memories is when friends, teachers, and I held a farewell gathering in Bandung. the event was named "One smile One Happiness In One Night Intimacy". In the event that we all wear different uniforms Batik motives. ranging from a light-colored to attract.

In the event that our students perform a drama and a very memorable acoustic guitar. We put on plays and acoustic guitar is for is looking to the teachers that our students not only recalcitrant, but we can be creative too. and before the end of the event there is a group of students view a video about the days at school late start of school, teachers punished for not making the task, romance in school, play-toys that are not clear, and the impression / message teachers after we graduate.


after all tanyangan see the video, all the unforgettable memories in the school and say never forgotten. At the end of the event students and teachers shook hands and forgive each other mistakes ever made by pupils or teachers during school hours and outside school hours, and all that makes us shed tears of touching. That moment where it is difficult to forget and will always be remembered.

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